Why simple?
When I’m committing to a project, I have a general rule of thumb that I like to remove more lines of code than I create. Of course this does not always happen, but I get a warm, fuzzy feeling from knowing that I implemented a feature by removing code. Why? Because when there is less code, there is generally less complexity, and when there is less complexity, the code is easier to grok.
Really, the issue is not that smaller code is better, per se, but simpler code is. In fact, the best code for any given problem is the simplest possible code that actually solves the problem. Of course, there are some problems that are inherently complex, and these will require a complex solution. However, even among complex solutions, there are solutions that are simpler than others.
Let’s take a naive example: your task is to write a program that prints the words “Hello World” to the screen? (sarcasm alert) Well, if we need to print some words, then we naturally need an abstraction for words, right? We’ll certainly also need a separate entity for printing the words to the screen. But then, we’ll probably also want to do other things with words than print them to the screen - after all, our next assignment will probably be to write them to a file or a printer. Looks like we need an interface…
Before long, this is what we end up with:
I sincerely hope that you didn’t actually read all of that. For the poor souls who did, how apparent was it from reading the code that it prints “Hello World” to the screen?
Oh, but it doesn’t actually do that - did I metion that there’s a bug in the code? Yep. It actually doesn’t print anything. I don’t know about you, but I don’t really want to track down that bug right now. (If you’re curious where the bug is, look at the parameters for MyStringHolder::addString).
Maybe an implementation like this would eventually be necessary for your project. If that’s the case, only resort to the complex implementation when necessary. You don’t need the additional layers of abstraction today, so leave them out.
What is simple?
Simplicity in software is not easy to define. Short code is not always simple. Pattern-centric code is not always simple. No specific paradigm of code
- OO, functional, imperative, etc. - is always simple. However, I believe that the essence of simplicity boils down to this:
Simple code is code that looks like the problem you are trying to solve.
To borrow the “Hello World” example from above, this is the simplest implementation that I could think of:
This solution has a verb, “print”, and a noun, “Hello World”. The vocabulary for the solution comes straight from the problem itself. Since this code performs the designated task with the least amount of abstraction and the least additional vocabulary, it is truly simple.
While this example is overly simplistic, and the actual problems that we as software engineers face are vastly more intricate, we should take away the idea that lean, concise code is always preferrable to overly-designed, overly-abstracted code.
Is complex ever okay?
Yes, but only when we choose the simplest possible solution among many complex solutions. Some problem domains contain so many concepts and so many moving pieces that we can only simplify to a certain extent - and this is not a bad thing. Inherent complexity is a fact that we must live with, but that is not an excuse for introducing additional complexity that is not warrented. Again, always start with the most naive solution that actually works. You will probably have to refactor it eventually, but you may not, and you will not be left with a ton of kludge that you never end up using.
Again, this is a very simplistic look at what simple code is and why we should strive for simplicity, but I hope it was helpful!